Sunday, 20 July 2008

Articles and Interviews

I have put some articles and interviews up on my myspace site. In the photos bit...

They are scans so I hope they will be readable..

They are from Rock'n'Reel, Shindig! and fRoots. and there is a new interview at

I expect I have said the same thing over and over again, but there you go :-)

I haven't done much this week bit of gardening, bit of dusting, bit of visiting Fairport's new offices (very cool indeed) and a bit of falling asleep a lot...

Ho hum. It was summer for a few minutes every now and again, but I can see that my socks will be coming out of hibernation if it doesn't cheer up a bit more..

I just heard that you can't order whitebait any more as a meal. You have to call it Blanchbait apparently...
That's really daft that is...


Be a Goddess music said...

Just found this !!
Lovely to read your witterings !

sam x

Claude Scales said...

Hullo, Judy,

First off, I'll confess to having loved you since 1970 (please don't tell your husband, as I haven't told my wife) when I bought the first Fairport album and heard "I Don't Know Where I Stand". Since I live in the States and don't get detailed news of the U.K. music scene, I didn't know what became of you after you left Fairport (if asked to guess in, say, 1975, I might have conjured a vision of a pretty young mum pushing a cart laden with nappies and jars of strained veggies through Sainsbury's). So I was delighted to hear from sam x that your singing career continues, and I'll be putting a post on my blog soon featuring the clip of you and Ms. Clayton and Fairport singing that great Dylan song Dylan never sang, "Si Tu Dois Partir". I'll also be listening to the samples on your website, and, no doubt, visiting the Judy Dyble Megastore for a few purchases.

Keep up the good work.

All the best,
Claude Scales