Friday 30 January 2009

Illustrations of wonder

How lovely is this?

Koldo Barroso is creating wonderful illustrations to go with the lyrics for the new album. If you look at his blog on his website, you can follow what he is doing for me.

And if you look at his portfolio you can see more of his wondrous creations... some of them are kind of whimsical but with a slightly sinister edge..... but his little animals are so sweet they ought to be cuddled.

Cold here and going to get colder, but the witchhazel is flowering and snowdrops have appeared so there is always something to say 'ah!' to.

The dogs are watching me, each with one eye open...obviously in case I rush off to the kitchen to find them something edible... they have been here for 5 months now and I am at last getting the hang of them,

Whizzy is a bit of a nervy thing, doesn't like to be left behind and would like to attach herself to me permanently so that I can't go anywhere without her...
Flower is like a lollopy colt, the muscles in her back legs are not strong so she does a sort of flailing run if she gets left behind. She is so long that she can't turn round quickly and I keep treading on her toes by accident - yelp! yelp! I am so cruel..... She hasn't put on any weight, her bones are still very prominent and I guess she is just one of those dogs that gets very thin when they get old... Whizzy however is getting to be quite plump. Well -plump for a greyhound anyway. but they both seem happy enough...

Right then. More later :-)

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